Participating in the reality show ‘Midukki’, which aired on the regional channel Mazhavil Manorama, was how Maria Vincent shot to fame. Prompted by her friends and well wishers, she went for the show’s audition with no expectation of getting in. But once she got selected to participate in the show, there was no looking back. She was eventually one of the finalists on the show and became a household name in no time.
Later on, she participated in the ‘Miss Kerala Fitness and Fashion 2017’ beauty pageant. In addition to being one of the finalists of the pageant, she was also adjudged as the winner of ‘Miss Healthy Skin’ subtitle. Both these shows helped her to find her footing in the modelling world.
With the confidence acquired from participating on these shows, Maria Vincent also participated in another show on Mazhavil Manorama ‘Nayika Nayakan’, through which she honed her acting skills and made a name for herself as an actor. Post the show, she bagged many advertisements and even got opportunities to act in films as well.
She aspires to become a full-time actor but the opportunities from the modelling world keeps her busy. She is also passionate about fashion designing and has finished a course on cosmetology as well.
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